Sunday, November 11, 2012

Robyn's Quilt - Finished!

And wouldn't you know it, I celebrated by going to the store and buying another charm pack! (It's already been sewed into a quilt top much like this one...2 down, 1 to go!)

It's been gray and snowy here, so no beautiful sun-drenched photos. The sun did manage to squeeze through for a few moments at one point though, and this is the result:

Just big enough for a wee girl to cuddle with, and later, to cover her stuffies and put her dollies to sleep. Or her pets. If she's anything like her Mama, she'll be an animal lover!

Just in case you're interested, here's the back. My camera is not a fan of yellow (much like myself), but if you imagine a buttery, blotchy (but in a good way) fabric, this is it.

One niece's Christmas present down, many more to go!