Monday, October 8, 2012

The Little Old Singer That Could

My sewing maching cost me $50 (plus a hefty cleaning and oiling). It has precisely 2 stitches (regular and zigzag), although...wait for can do 3 widths of zigzag.

And guess what? It's the perfect machine for learning to sew. My options are limited, so I don't have to worry about making a 'wrong' choice. While I ogle the new, electronic, computerized models, this one serves my needs perfectly for the time being.

We've been busy, my Singer and I. (It's a wee bit older than I am, but neither of us is too old to work hard!) And who needs a working task light when you've got a large window?

(By the way, the poor fellow came without a bobbin holder. Guess what? A crochet hook jammed into the hole works just fine. We both have our quirks.)

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